(中央社台北5日電)美國科技新聞網站TheInformation今天指出,谷歌(Google)可能很快就會重返大陸市場,獲得官方批准營運「中國特制版」Google …
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(中央社台北5日電)美國科技新聞網站TheInformation今天指出,谷歌(Google)可能很快就會重返大陸市場,獲得官方批准營運「中國特制版」Google …
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蘋果將在下周三發表iPhone 6S,傳聞這次外觀、顏色改變、相機畫素、規格升級外,開賣方式也會不同,就看果粉買不買單 …
(中央社記者江明晏台北5日電)暑假落幕,學生為返校準備3C產品,不用怕花光積蓄,台灣大哥大替學生省錢,推出平板購機省千元優惠,亞太電信更推出福利機特惠 …
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(中央社記者江明晏台北5日電)蘋果將在9月9日發表iPhone 6S,傳聞這次iPhone 6S除外觀、顏色改變、相機畫素、規格升級外,開賣方式也會不同 …
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中國時報【吳敏菁╱彰化報導】彰化縣區域計畫放水?內政部提「全國區域計畫」草案,賦予各縣市政府擬定區域計畫和聘任區域計畫委員的權責,環保團體4日到縣府抗議 …
旺報【記者莊舒仲╱台北─上海連線報導】「找娃神器」引起關注,帶動心理需求,但買不買單,還是得看家長接納新科技的態度,喜歡嘗鮮的,願意掏錢買安心;重視教育的 …
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喜歡玩電玩的民眾,總喜歡自己的螢幕能越大越好,現在美國芝加哥一名工程師,自行組裝了一台電子遊戲機台,不僅螢幕超級大,連機身尺寸也比一隻成年非洲象還要高 …
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中國時報【(黃佳琳)】綠島海裡比陸上更豐富!有全世界最高的團塊微孔珊瑚「大香菇」,保育區內的珊瑚覆蓋率也很高,因位於黑潮暖流主流通道上,綠島物種豐富 …
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中國時報【潘建志、周綾昀╱屏東報導】恆春龍鑾潭外來入侵種問題嚴重,以俗稱筍殼魚的斑駁尖塘鱧、線鱧影響最大。由於龍鑾潭原本沒有大型魚種,這些外來入侵大型魚種除擠壓原生魚種生存空間 …
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工商時報【記者林淑惠╱台北報導】NCC昨(4)日公告2600MHz頻段4G第二波釋照,共5家既有4G業者申請參與競標,由於FDD頻段只切出4塊頻譜 …
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旺報【記者莊舒仲╱台北─上海連線報導】小孩丟失,在大陸時有所聞,影星劉德華主演的電影《失孤》,道盡家長的不安。隨著科技進步,可定位的兒童智慧穿戴裝置被稱「找娃神器」 …
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工商時報【記者楊曉芳╱台北報導】4K電視逐步成為主流!看好4K電視的成長空間,IC設計廠聯發科(2454)昨(4)日與全球音訊技術領導廠杜比實驗室共同宣布 …
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旺報【記者莊舒仲╱專題報導】兒童智慧穿戴設備現在是3C市場的新藍海,大陸產品價位多半在200元到800元人民幣間,台灣則以3000元到5000元台幣為主流 …
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中國時報【廖肇祥╱南投報導】國內市占率最高的包裝水品牌「多喝水」,23年前曾因擴廠需要,向南投縣府申請農地變更工業用地,最後因農民與消費者揚言抵制 …
中國時報【沈揮勝╱南投報導】夏季雨後山區,偶見一種酷似古槍的花株,從土層快速竄出!這種神祕罕見植物,民間俗稱「雷公槍」,中文名稱叫「魔芋」;台大實驗林管處去年蒐齊本島4種魔芋 …
屏東「九鵬基地」每年在東部海域進行火砲演訓,次數多達十餘次,但軍方長年「射後不理」,漁民常撈到疑似未爆彈,漁獲也大減,要求軍方確實善後,別讓九鵬基地成了海洋殺手 …
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Welcome to the latest entry in our Bonus Round series, wherein we tell you all about the new Android games of the day that we couldn’t get to during our regular news rounds. Consider this a quick update for the dedicated gamers who can’t wait for our bi-weekly roundups, and don’t want to wade through a whole day’s worth of news just to get their pixelated fix. Today we’ve got a game about killing adorable fuzzy creatures, an online mech-battler, a new Noodlecake platformer, an old-school strategy game, a jigsaw puzzler, and a ping pong twitch game.
Read More[Bonus Round] Cute Things Dying Violently, Walking War Robots, Infestor, DefCom TD, Armor Academy Shape It Up, And SkillShot was written by the awesome team at Android Police.
At this point my choice of music service boils down to which one will let me store all my music in the cloud for the least amount of money… and actually work long enough to play it (lookin’ at you, Google Play Music). So, Amazon Music and the Prime service it’s associated with are looking more attractive these days. If you’re one of the very few early adopters of Android Auto, you can now use the app with Google’s vehicular electronics system.
Read MoreAmazon Music App Adds Android Auto Support In Version 4.5 was written by the awesome team at Android Police.
LG has been doing some unusual display things lately with the curved G Flex phones, but adding a second display to a phone has never, ever worked out well. LG isn’t letting that stop it, though. The LG V10 has shown up at TENAA, the Chinese version of the FCC. This device has 5.7-inch screen, but above the main display is a small secondary one. This is happening, guys.
The auxiliary display on the V10 will be able to show additional info while the main screen is off or being used for other things.
Read MoreThe LG V10 Appears At Chinese Regulator Showing Off Its Secondary Display was written by the awesome team at Android Police.
Google famously pulled out of China in 2010 following a data breach that it traced back to the Chinese government. It was the final straw as Google had already been irked by China’s strict censorship laws. The explosion of cheap Android handsets in China changes the equation, though. Now The Information reports that Google is set to come back to China with a special version of the Play Store and other Google services that will play nice with the Chinese government.
Read MoreReport: Google Prepares To Return To Mainland China With A Stripped Down Google Play was written by the awesome team at Android Police.
August was light on new Android apps, but there’s one new arrival that might change things in a big way: Amazon Underground. Aside from that, Google’s new push towards streaming games a new translator service from Microsoft make up the more interesting apps from the big publishers. That said, there are a few indie gems in both our primary lineup and the Honorable Mentions sections, so check them out below.
Amazon Underground
Amazon has a new proposition for Android developers and users.
Read More[App Roundup] Our Top Seven Picks For The Best New Apps Of August 2015 was written by the awesome team at Android Police.